I wanted to do a really sweet multi-step overlapping running person, but my computer died, and I spent the last few days attempting to revive it in between work hours. Now that it's semi-alive(at least working) and don't have the time to do what I wanted, I asked a roommate what to do, he said "Cheetah."
I replied, "I think a lot of people will do that."
So he said, "Shut the hell up! I don't care, I want to see a cheetah!"
Heroes: Tabula Rasa
In an attempt to get this post out before the new episode I'll keep it SUPER SHORT.
Hiro shows up at Peter's and then is brought to the hospital. Peter thinks Hiro came to receive help instead of the reverse. So he heads out to find Claire and Noah to find a healer. According to Noah Claire's blood won't work because cancer is living, but does that mean that all the virus and bacteria that cause all kinds of havoc in a body AREN'T living??? Ridiculous. Well they find this kid that Noah checked on once and find he controls the flow of life and can kill as well as heal.
Peter gets the ability and gets shipped back to Hiro, who is gone before he gets back, while Noah stays with the boy to make sure he is all right. Can Peter now heal Emma?
(A side note is that I hope Mr. Samson Gray finds this healer and then takes the power so his cancer will be magiced away and then he will have a way to kill Sylar, who is now considered "Big Game" prey)
Over in Hiro land- He is in a hospital talking Emma into accepting her ability as a good thing. She shouldn't be a dumbass about it, whoever thought up the idea of people not wanting these powers is retarded. Remember Claire complaining about being a freak? She should shut the F up man. She CANNOT get sick, or dead, that is AMAZING. Someone should give her super powered diarrhea and then let her complain. Yeah, she wouldn't after that.
Anyway, Hiro sort of convinces Emma to grow into the ability, not push it away. It is part of them, something that is a defining characteristic. Hiro eventually vanishes and appears 3 years ago, where he may be trying to save Charlie from season 1.
Didn't he already try it? She had already been aware of the impending death and was OK with it.
Besides, wouldn't his going to change it severely change the present? Considering it was one of Sylar's kills, it may have drastic consequences in the now.
In the Carnival Sylar is revisiting memories lodged in the body, as opposed to the mind's storage. He get's into a confrontation with Detective Lubbock and doesn't kill him. Then Edgar speeds in and kills Lubbock. So Samuel is slowly forcing Sylar's body to become part of the carnival through much deception and an absurd baptism. Do they not realize that Sylar's hunger is not activated and as soon as it is, he is in a veritable buffet of useful powers? With his current capabilities, none of them really stand a chance against him. Or when Pansy Parkman returns "Sylar's Mind", will mental Sylar go on a damn rampage and slaughter the entire group in what is essentially a massive Easter Egg Hunt of abilities?
Where have Tracy and Parkman and Mohinder and so on go? Has Angela dreamed about the loss of "Nathan" and his current running away to the circus?
UGH! I am sick of this post already. I'll try and get tonight's episode watched on Hulu tomorrow, then posted ASAP.
Hiro shows up at Peter's and then is brought to the hospital. Peter thinks Hiro came to receive help instead of the reverse. So he heads out to find Claire and Noah to find a healer. According to Noah Claire's blood won't work because cancer is living, but does that mean that all the virus and bacteria that cause all kinds of havoc in a body AREN'T living??? Ridiculous. Well they find this kid that Noah checked on once and find he controls the flow of life and can kill as well as heal.
Peter gets the ability and gets shipped back to Hiro, who is gone before he gets back, while Noah stays with the boy to make sure he is all right. Can Peter now heal Emma?
(A side note is that I hope Mr. Samson Gray finds this healer and then takes the power so his cancer will be magiced away and then he will have a way to kill Sylar, who is now considered "Big Game" prey)
Over in Hiro land- He is in a hospital talking Emma into accepting her ability as a good thing. She shouldn't be a dumbass about it, whoever thought up the idea of people not wanting these powers is retarded. Remember Claire complaining about being a freak? She should shut the F up man. She CANNOT get sick, or dead, that is AMAZING. Someone should give her super powered diarrhea and then let her complain. Yeah, she wouldn't after that.
Anyway, Hiro sort of convinces Emma to grow into the ability, not push it away. It is part of them, something that is a defining characteristic. Hiro eventually vanishes and appears 3 years ago, where he may be trying to save Charlie from season 1.
Didn't he already try it? She had already been aware of the impending death and was OK with it.
Besides, wouldn't his going to change it severely change the present? Considering it was one of Sylar's kills, it may have drastic consequences in the now.
In the Carnival Sylar is revisiting memories lodged in the body, as opposed to the mind's storage. He get's into a confrontation with Detective Lubbock and doesn't kill him. Then Edgar speeds in and kills Lubbock. So Samuel is slowly forcing Sylar's body to become part of the carnival through much deception and an absurd baptism. Do they not realize that Sylar's hunger is not activated and as soon as it is, he is in a veritable buffet of useful powers? With his current capabilities, none of them really stand a chance against him. Or when Pansy Parkman returns "Sylar's Mind", will mental Sylar go on a damn rampage and slaughter the entire group in what is essentially a massive Easter Egg Hunt of abilities?
Where have Tracy and Parkman and Mohinder and so on go? Has Angela dreamed about the loss of "Nathan" and his current running away to the circus?
UGH! I am sick of this post already. I'll try and get tonight's episode watched on Hulu tomorrow, then posted ASAP.
Another marker sketchbook page
Here's a random page from one of my sketchbooks. Of course a lot of pages are random thoughts and ideas that fall out of my skull and plop onto paper.
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen

As for the movie...
(Spoilers ahead)
Is Michael Bay still a child? What is he thinking? Instead of being a somewhat well-oiled machine, this movie feels like a kid's playtime. It lacks plot. With a threadbare story, it's just a series of fights, chases, and explosions. The film seems like they just took a bunch of loosely tied together images floating around in Bay's skull and mooshed them all into a blob and called it a movie. So kids will love it for all the flashy items, and there are a few notable scenes that made me laugh, specifically when Jetfire is talking to Agent Simmons about his father, the first wheel, and asks Simmons, "Do you know what he transfomed into?" Simmons says no, and Jetfire's response is, "NOTHING!"
So we are given two and a half hours of, as one of my friends put it, Megan Fox distracting us from robots. Does that make her a Distract-o-bod? Which also makes me wonder why all of the Decepticons don't hide in a better fashion like the new blonde love interest Alice.
Worst of all they changed Soundwave's voice. THAT is what defined his character! I could see his not being an old boombox tape deck, but making him a satellite!? Why didn't they keep him as a surveillance worker and be a fully docked MP3 player with speakers and such?
Then at the end Jetfire gives Optimus his parts and power, so why didn't they just do that at the begining??? Why the hell would people wait for all the property destruction and deaths before they go, "Oh, wait! We can make a super weapon of our own, and just forgot to use it right away. Our bad." Not well thought out.
Overall I would say it's worth a rent.
And I'm still pissed about Soundwave.
Scribblenauts part 2: Unconventional wisdom.
First- Two things I thought were awesome.
1) A velociraptor does NOT appreciate having a chariot glued to the back of their head. Or tail.
2) If I have a magic wand and sit on a gorilla with a pointy stick and crown in a saddle on a centaur with a halo and spear, then we fight a T-rex, it turns into a frog and a steak. But if we fight a mammoth it turns into a frog and 3 steaks. Score for my tribe!
A list of random things I've learned from playing Scribblenauts.
1) A velociraptor does NOT appreciate having a chariot glued to the back of their head. Or tail.
2) If I have a magic wand and sit on a gorilla with a pointy stick and crown in a saddle on a centaur with a halo and spear, then we fight a T-rex, it turns into a frog and a steak. But if we fight a mammoth it turns into a frog and 3 steaks. Score for my tribe!
A list of random things I've learned from playing Scribblenauts.
- If you call on Santa, he hands out random gifts to anybody, good or bad. Some of the presents he pops out are; pets, sweaters, toys, video games, board games, and... voodoo dolls. Odd.
- The most useful items I've found are a time machine and a mind control device. Next in the lines of handy things would be wings, a teleporter, and a Cupid arrow.
- Death can beat both God and the Devil, but is subsequently able to be beaten by you with a spork. Or you can stuff him in a barrel.
- Recipe for god = a human + ambrosia.
- Satyrs are stubborn and rufuse to play a pan flute with me.
- A black hole will suck things into their doom, while a portal sends out a very angry monster.
- A blob and a ghost will fight each other and never die.
- Jackalopes will ignore you and just walk around making horrible sounds.
- A bum will be fooled by the following trap: Boobytrap a snowman by setting it on a bear trap and stapling money to it's head.
- Clones/Dopplegangers/Duplicates and Me all make multiple you's(Maxwell's). They are also all evil and will try to steal anything you are holding and say "Yoink". But if you use a shrink ray on them they will keep stealing each others things instead. Then you may pick them up and fit up to 3 of them in a wallet or pocket.
- If you make an ocean, then make a whale, the whale is too big to fit in the ocean.
- Robots are good and cyborgs are evil.
- If god has a sword, he's good, but if I have a sword I'm the enemy.
- If you leave a trail of meat/brains up to a corpse and drop lightning on the corpse, it will come to life, eat, and pass out from being stuffed.
- Cthulu and Shoggoth are not above love. If you Cupid arrow them they will love you.
A few more colored pencil studies.
Three more old sketchbook pages.
The top of the first is acrylic paint,the rest are pencils.
Also the first is a BIG score- a rabbit with a monster sized carrot. Right below it is a Golden apple.
The second is a Firebreather in motion, and third is an old friend.
A few crappy sketchbook pages from 2000.
All these were lame color theory practice pages with acrylics.
The first is-
1. Lightning striking a guy
2. Jack-o-lantern
3. Candle
The second page-
1. Some dead woods
2. A fairy
3. Flower
Third page-
1. Poseidon by a whale
2. Guy hung on a tree
Fourth page-
1. Lake at night
2. Animal in grasses
3. Gyroscope in motion
Illustration Friday: Frozen
I had a ton of ideas this week's word, but I ended up getting bogged down at work and just doing an Otsi inspired iceman mummy.
A quick sketch and paint.
A quick sketch and paint.
Heroes: Hysterical Blindness
Another attempt to keep these Heroes posts short.
Claire and Gretchen start bonding in a sorority function. Where Claire becomes super suspicious of Gretchen and things happen that make it look like Gretchen is a loony and jealous of Claire. As it turns out it is a second person with invisibility, a sorority sister working with Samuel's funky carnival messing with Claire and trying to lure her into poor standings with friends to get her to want to join the circus. Claire confront Gretchen and Gretchen reveals her lesbian urges towards Claire. I suspect Claire liked it.
Samuel is metaphorical man with all his seed planting. Not in the pervy way, just planting actual plants and sending messages out to push special individuals into coming to him.
Peter saves a distracted Emma(the aura/sound seer) and accidentally absorbs her ability, losing the super speed in the process. That happens to be a great scene in the episode- Peter begins to run, the music picks up in an epic fashion, and then turns to a record run down sound like 3 times. He then realizes the speed is for sure gone and he now sees sound.
Later he sees Emma seeing colors and they bond playing a piano making fun light waves. Ooh, yay. Lame. Although, I do enjoy the everyday feel of the characters figuring things out.
In the end of the episode, Emma is messing around with a cello, picking up sound/light power and accidentally uses it to blast a crack in a nearby wall.
Over in Nathan/Sylar land, Nathan was shot and buried, and Sylar emerged from the ground. Probably a natural reversion, but why didn't it happen to the origiinal shapeshifter when Sylar offed him? The empty headed amnesiac Sylar is picked up by the police and held in custody.
I don't get why his mind is in Parkman's head. When Parkman made him think he was Nathan, he didn't pull the mind out and shove a substitute in, he just made Sylar believe he was Nathan. Thus this whole thing is messed up. Why did Sylar's mind hop out and his body continue wandering around on autopilot? His mind should be IN the body believing itself to be Nathan. Period. The writers are really bogging the story down with extra crap. Sure the idea is kind of sweet, but writing new things into the story without keeping with the past is poor writing. Like all the characters that show up and then are just forgotten. (Molly, Claude, Waterbreather-guy, Peter's Irish girlfriend he left in the virus decimated future, etc...)
Back to the Sylar's bady. He is in a police cell being questioned by Ernie Hudson and some psychologist lady. Sylar notices that her watch is off, being way ahead, and she says that skill may be a key to finding who he is. Ghostbuster/Police guy Hudson gets the finerprints back and knows who he is, then pulls the camera plug in an attempt to get a confession for Sylar's mother's murder from back in season 1. Nice refresher. Well Sylar doesn't believe he would do that, then manages a super powered defense and escape. He sort of kidnaps the psychologist because she promised to help him. He ends up on the run with her left behind and wanders into Samuel's Magic Carnival showing up and disappearing in a forest, giving Sam "half" of Sylar.
Towards the end Hiro teleports into Peter's apartment and passes out. Why doesn't Peter get Claire's healing and/or blood. He could theoretically draw infinite amounts of tubes as she/he regenerated and then inject them into various people healing them all. Hello Hiro, salvation is in sight.
But since Peter is a tard, things like this are overlooked. He is both a specially abled individual and a paramedic, healing would be SUPER helpful.
I am still pissed that he didn't take Sylar's power, and subsequently all the additional ones. Then again, could Claire's blood fix his DNA and restore his original Empathy???
What ever. I quit for now.
Claire and Gretchen start bonding in a sorority function. Where Claire becomes super suspicious of Gretchen and things happen that make it look like Gretchen is a loony and jealous of Claire. As it turns out it is a second person with invisibility, a sorority sister working with Samuel's funky carnival messing with Claire and trying to lure her into poor standings with friends to get her to want to join the circus. Claire confront Gretchen and Gretchen reveals her lesbian urges towards Claire. I suspect Claire liked it.
Samuel is metaphorical man with all his seed planting. Not in the pervy way, just planting actual plants and sending messages out to push special individuals into coming to him.
Peter saves a distracted Emma(the aura/sound seer) and accidentally absorbs her ability, losing the super speed in the process. That happens to be a great scene in the episode- Peter begins to run, the music picks up in an epic fashion, and then turns to a record run down sound like 3 times. He then realizes the speed is for sure gone and he now sees sound.
Later he sees Emma seeing colors and they bond playing a piano making fun light waves. Ooh, yay. Lame. Although, I do enjoy the everyday feel of the characters figuring things out.
In the end of the episode, Emma is messing around with a cello, picking up sound/light power and accidentally uses it to blast a crack in a nearby wall.
Over in Nathan/Sylar land, Nathan was shot and buried, and Sylar emerged from the ground. Probably a natural reversion, but why didn't it happen to the origiinal shapeshifter when Sylar offed him? The empty headed amnesiac Sylar is picked up by the police and held in custody.
I don't get why his mind is in Parkman's head. When Parkman made him think he was Nathan, he didn't pull the mind out and shove a substitute in, he just made Sylar believe he was Nathan. Thus this whole thing is messed up. Why did Sylar's mind hop out and his body continue wandering around on autopilot? His mind should be IN the body believing itself to be Nathan. Period. The writers are really bogging the story down with extra crap. Sure the idea is kind of sweet, but writing new things into the story without keeping with the past is poor writing. Like all the characters that show up and then are just forgotten. (Molly, Claude, Waterbreather-guy, Peter's Irish girlfriend he left in the virus decimated future, etc...)
Back to the Sylar's bady. He is in a police cell being questioned by Ernie Hudson and some psychologist lady. Sylar notices that her watch is off, being way ahead, and she says that skill may be a key to finding who he is. Ghostbuster/Police guy Hudson gets the finerprints back and knows who he is, then pulls the camera plug in an attempt to get a confession for Sylar's mother's murder from back in season 1. Nice refresher. Well Sylar doesn't believe he would do that, then manages a super powered defense and escape. He sort of kidnaps the psychologist because she promised to help him. He ends up on the run with her left behind and wanders into Samuel's Magic Carnival showing up and disappearing in a forest, giving Sam "half" of Sylar.
Towards the end Hiro teleports into Peter's apartment and passes out. Why doesn't Peter get Claire's healing and/or blood. He could theoretically draw infinite amounts of tubes as she/he regenerated and then inject them into various people healing them all. Hello Hiro, salvation is in sight.
But since Peter is a tard, things like this are overlooked. He is both a specially abled individual and a paramedic, healing would be SUPER helpful.
I am still pissed that he didn't take Sylar's power, and subsequently all the additional ones. Then again, could Claire's blood fix his DNA and restore his original Empathy???
What ever. I quit for now.
My Personal Favorite Photos 3
The third image is a picture from yet another party. *SIGH*
Anyway, this is my friend Rachel. A somewhat mundane photo, but I really like it regardless.
Anyway, this is my friend Rachel. A somewhat mundane photo, but I really like it regardless.
My Personal Favorite Photos 2
This is another picture from a party in I believe 2007. This is one of my friends and she was doing a strange dance while I was getting pics of various things in the room. This is the only one that turned out well.
My Personal Favorite Photos 1
Here's a picture of some random girl at a party I was at like a year or so ago. No idea who she is but the image turned out phenomenal.
A Tiger Mage and a Hornet
Here are two more marker sketches that I did with a bunch of Sharpies. I really like the feel of Sharpies on heavyweight cardstock paper.
The first is a Magus Tiger sketch from a story I started WAYYYY back in the day. I am still updating all that stuff, going through serious editing, and pretty much doing general clean up work.
The second is a hornet that I freehand sketched from a picture I saw somewhere on the net like 6 years ago.
YAY Sharpie!!!
The first is a Magus Tiger sketch from a story I started WAYYYY back in the day. I am still updating all that stuff, going through serious editing, and pretty much doing general clean up work.
The second is a hornet that I freehand sketched from a picture I saw somewhere on the net like 6 years ago.
YAY Sharpie!!!
Heroes: Acceptance
A quick Heroes post in an attempt to get done before tonight's episode.
Nathan finally meets up with Peter to discuss his new found powers. Peter thinks that it is a trait that runs in the family. I am somewhat displeased with the fact that instead of Peter holding Nathan and cycling through to see what powers he could find(being ones he already has had or used, or familiar with) he doesn't swap out the super speed for the much more useful telekinesis. If he started siphoning off abilities, he could get healing, or as I have previously stated a bunch, Sylar's base power, which would enable him to suck up all the rest. Even without killing the bearer, as we know Sylar can do, but just doesn't.
Nathan also discovers a cover-up case where he was the person that accidentally caused the death of a girl he liked many years back. His mother covered it up, and he wants to "make it right" by telling her mother. She gets pissed and has him killed. But that obviously doesn't work.
Tracy over in the land of professional women decides she wants to do "helpful" work. Doing things for people as opposed to just being a selfish business person. So she turns down a job offer from a former political partner.
Way over in HBO's Carnivale-rip-off-ville, Samuel catches a couple people in a conversation of smack talk about himself. He decided to do what he feels is right for the group, and thinks it is right because he is the leader. He gets a tattoo image from some girl's back showing that Mr. Bennett has decided to rethink his stance on specials.
At that image Mr. Bennett is studying images of a "Compass That Changed the World" newspaper clipping and pics of Darth Speedster. So he may also rejoin Peter with the offer to help find other people with abilities.
Now to the best part of the episode, Hiro. Hiro repeatedly attempts to stop a jumper from suicide by going back in time to keep him from photocopying his butt, an act that continuously leads to his wanting to kill himself. After like 49 tries Hiro just gives up going back, then goes up to sit in discussion with the man instead. So Hiro learned that sometimes changing the past isn't needed. Doing things in the now can solve the problem. Just talking things out, no time manipulation necessary, a little bit of friendship goes a long way. Something about knowing someone is there for you can support a person in the darkest of days. After this realization, he tells his sister about his own secret burden, his own impending death.
Nathan finally meets up with Peter to discuss his new found powers. Peter thinks that it is a trait that runs in the family. I am somewhat displeased with the fact that instead of Peter holding Nathan and cycling through to see what powers he could find(being ones he already has had or used, or familiar with) he doesn't swap out the super speed for the much more useful telekinesis. If he started siphoning off abilities, he could get healing, or as I have previously stated a bunch, Sylar's base power, which would enable him to suck up all the rest. Even without killing the bearer, as we know Sylar can do, but just doesn't.
Nathan also discovers a cover-up case where he was the person that accidentally caused the death of a girl he liked many years back. His mother covered it up, and he wants to "make it right" by telling her mother. She gets pissed and has him killed. But that obviously doesn't work.
Tracy over in the land of professional women decides she wants to do "helpful" work. Doing things for people as opposed to just being a selfish business person. So she turns down a job offer from a former political partner.
Way over in HBO's Carnivale-rip-off-ville, Samuel catches a couple people in a conversation of smack talk about himself. He decided to do what he feels is right for the group, and thinks it is right because he is the leader. He gets a tattoo image from some girl's back showing that Mr. Bennett has decided to rethink his stance on specials.
At that image Mr. Bennett is studying images of a "Compass That Changed the World" newspaper clipping and pics of Darth Speedster. So he may also rejoin Peter with the offer to help find other people with abilities.
Now to the best part of the episode, Hiro. Hiro repeatedly attempts to stop a jumper from suicide by going back in time to keep him from photocopying his butt, an act that continuously leads to his wanting to kill himself. After like 49 tries Hiro just gives up going back, then goes up to sit in discussion with the man instead. So Hiro learned that sometimes changing the past isn't needed. Doing things in the now can solve the problem. Just talking things out, no time manipulation necessary, a little bit of friendship goes a long way. Something about knowing someone is there for you can support a person in the darkest of days. After this realization, he tells his sister about his own secret burden, his own impending death.
Illustration Friday: Flying
Well, I did this quick Watercolor, and added some scanned in feathers just because I felt like it.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2
Just a few thoughts on the new Marvel Comics based game.
Another Marvel comics game that could have been better. Don't get me wrong, it is an amazing multiplayer experience, but the single player game is average. So overall I really enjoyed playing with a group, and would recommend this game for anyone with a chance to play with other people.
The player(s) start with only 4 characters to choose from; Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Spider-man. The story is goes something like this- the main 4 characters start questioning their jobs as heroes. A split happens as some feel they are being used as mercenaries in a militaristic fashion by being sent in to destroy some stuff, hurt some people, and bring forced action to other countries. Government agencies want to enforce a superhero registration program for all persons with abilities of ANY kind. If you resist you become a criminal and are hunted down incarcerated as such.
During the course of the game other characters are slowly added or subtracted as the story progresses and a divide grows between the heroes. Plenty of other Marvel cameos come in as "support", but are either limited to boss fights or just story additions.
As single player goes it is a moderate level of fun and you can take your time and pay closer attention to the story. But, meh, it's just "ok". I do want story in a game, but it should also be more focused in the single player. Leave the story loose for games with multiplayer mode. With a group game I don't want to sit and watch a 10 minute story continuation. There needs to be action, with only enough filler video to cover the load time of the level. When I am by myself I fully appreciate the depth of the story, but a limit should be necessary. Multiplayer is where this game really shines and the lengthy cutscenes are a large annoyance. All my friends that have played this game all have the same complaints.
In my opinion Marvel should've spent far more money on making more characters available, both in the begining of the game, and having the option to use all the people encountered throughout the story. I was pissed that both Bishop, Cable, Havok, She-hulk, and the pair Cloak and Dagger are in the game but not unlockable.
I don't care that each character has a multi-person super move, called "Fushions". Sure they are cool, and occasionally very useful, but I would rather a larger selection of characters to choose from, not just the 36 or so available for the end of the game. When the story impedes the ability to play specific characters, forcing me to change characters, I get angry. Marvel did this in the first game as well. STOP DOING IT! Marvel easily has HUNDREDS of characters to choose from. They have tons of heroes and villains already in the game, why aren't they unlockable for use after encountering or battling them??? Ludicrous!
I mean come on, Bulls-eye shows up, why didn't they make him a palette swap of Daredevil? Or Carnage for Spider-man/Venom? What about Moon Knight for Iron Fist? Black Panther for Captain America? Firestar for Human Torch? Chamber for Penance? I could go on and on.
I want to see some of the Young Avengers or the Runaways. I want to see Kang the Conquerer and Dr. Doom be available as a playable character. I want to see Black Bolt and the Inhumans. Where is Fin Fang Foom for a giant boss battle? He could be paired in a level with the Mandarin. How about a Galactus battle that encompasses an entire city?
Or there's the future possibility of making a game in which you would get the base game(consisting of MASSIVE amounts of levels, TONS of sh!t to destroy, and UNBELIEVABLE amounts of people to beat the crap out of) and then would be given a certain amount of characters to download free for play. Then at a later time have the option to buy even more characters.
I want an EPIC game, not so heavy on story, but there should be just enough to keep players on a path, and like a hundred levels of hack-n-slash with some light puzzle solving, with a minimum of a hundred selectable characters at the begining. The levels could be enormous, like a more free roaming type feel, an immense city of roaming around fighting people combined with a reasonable amount of collateral damage.
The game could easily be brought down to simply being a bunch of people(more than 4) with crazy powers going on a monster rampage through whatever passes as bad guys' current residence and destroying everything in sight. Sometimes a simple game is a better game. So, by focusing more on the Hack and Slash, or more appropriately Power and Punch, could be what it takes to make an enjoyable multiplayer experience into a highly addictive group activity.
All right Marvel- More Characters, More Levels, and More Awesome. (Awesome being things/people to destroy.) They have plenty of story material from years past (but keep it light for 2+ players) and could easily have an Infinity Gauntlet game.
One last note- they also NEED to have multiple save slots. It sucks having no extra save spots. A single save for Single player and a single for Multiplayer. What the hell game makers!?
Another Marvel comics game that could have been better. Don't get me wrong, it is an amazing multiplayer experience, but the single player game is average. So overall I really enjoyed playing with a group, and would recommend this game for anyone with a chance to play with other people.
The player(s) start with only 4 characters to choose from; Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, and Spider-man. The story is goes something like this- the main 4 characters start questioning their jobs as heroes. A split happens as some feel they are being used as mercenaries in a militaristic fashion by being sent in to destroy some stuff, hurt some people, and bring forced action to other countries. Government agencies want to enforce a superhero registration program for all persons with abilities of ANY kind. If you resist you become a criminal and are hunted down incarcerated as such.
During the course of the game other characters are slowly added or subtracted as the story progresses and a divide grows between the heroes. Plenty of other Marvel cameos come in as "support", but are either limited to boss fights or just story additions.
As single player goes it is a moderate level of fun and you can take your time and pay closer attention to the story. But, meh, it's just "ok". I do want story in a game, but it should also be more focused in the single player. Leave the story loose for games with multiplayer mode. With a group game I don't want to sit and watch a 10 minute story continuation. There needs to be action, with only enough filler video to cover the load time of the level. When I am by myself I fully appreciate the depth of the story, but a limit should be necessary. Multiplayer is where this game really shines and the lengthy cutscenes are a large annoyance. All my friends that have played this game all have the same complaints.
In my opinion Marvel should've spent far more money on making more characters available, both in the begining of the game, and having the option to use all the people encountered throughout the story. I was pissed that both Bishop, Cable, Havok, She-hulk, and the pair Cloak and Dagger are in the game but not unlockable.
I don't care that each character has a multi-person super move, called "Fushions". Sure they are cool, and occasionally very useful, but I would rather a larger selection of characters to choose from, not just the 36 or so available for the end of the game. When the story impedes the ability to play specific characters, forcing me to change characters, I get angry. Marvel did this in the first game as well. STOP DOING IT! Marvel easily has HUNDREDS of characters to choose from. They have tons of heroes and villains already in the game, why aren't they unlockable for use after encountering or battling them??? Ludicrous!
I mean come on, Bulls-eye shows up, why didn't they make him a palette swap of Daredevil? Or Carnage for Spider-man/Venom? What about Moon Knight for Iron Fist? Black Panther for Captain America? Firestar for Human Torch? Chamber for Penance? I could go on and on.
I want to see some of the Young Avengers or the Runaways. I want to see Kang the Conquerer and Dr. Doom be available as a playable character. I want to see Black Bolt and the Inhumans. Where is Fin Fang Foom for a giant boss battle? He could be paired in a level with the Mandarin. How about a Galactus battle that encompasses an entire city?
Or there's the future possibility of making a game in which you would get the base game(consisting of MASSIVE amounts of levels, TONS of sh!t to destroy, and UNBELIEVABLE amounts of people to beat the crap out of) and then would be given a certain amount of characters to download free for play. Then at a later time have the option to buy even more characters.
I want an EPIC game, not so heavy on story, but there should be just enough to keep players on a path, and like a hundred levels of hack-n-slash with some light puzzle solving, with a minimum of a hundred selectable characters at the begining. The levels could be enormous, like a more free roaming type feel, an immense city of roaming around fighting people combined with a reasonable amount of collateral damage.
The game could easily be brought down to simply being a bunch of people(more than 4) with crazy powers going on a monster rampage through whatever passes as bad guys' current residence and destroying everything in sight. Sometimes a simple game is a better game. So, by focusing more on the Hack and Slash, or more appropriately Power and Punch, could be what it takes to make an enjoyable multiplayer experience into a highly addictive group activity.
All right Marvel- More Characters, More Levels, and More Awesome. (Awesome being things/people to destroy.) They have plenty of story material from years past (but keep it light for 2+ players) and could easily have an Infinity Gauntlet game.
One last note- they also NEED to have multiple save slots. It sucks having no extra save spots. A single save for Single player and a single for Multiplayer. What the hell game makers!?
Violet Eyes
Here's yet another image from years gone by.
This is from 1999 and I made the eyes, lashes, brows and lips in Adobe Illustrator, then did the rest with brushes in Photoshop. Blah.
This is from 1999 and I made the eyes, lashes, brows and lips in Adobe Illustrator, then did the rest with brushes in Photoshop. Blah.
Scribblenauts Part 1: Lessons in Problem Solving.
Scribblenauts is an ingenious problem solving game. You are a boy named Maxwell with a magic notebook and your job is to accomplish a serious of various tasks. Whatever you write in the notebook appears on screen to help solve the problems. Now, of course, there are some words that don't work, specifically vulgarities. Although poop doesn't work, vomit and booger both show up. So they tried to make it kid friendly, while still offering adults an immensely entertaining game of "How Imaginatively Can I Do This...". Some tasks are very simple, like helping a woodcutter get a tree down. Each level takes a little more effort as the difficulty gradually increases.
One could solve most of the games levels with a small amount of items used over and over, but gives you bonuses by making you think of alternative solutions when repeating a previous stage. Occasionally the game's items ignore all physics and plausibility, and goes on to do nothing of what it should/would do. Like if you summon a hurricane all that appears is a handful dark clouds and a pitiful amount of rain, but if you summon a tsunami, the water wave decimates everything on screen(including you) and starts the level over.
A massive amount of the fun in this game is just seeing what you can do with a random set of creations and still achieve the goal of the level. One can dink around for hours, days, or even weeks with just making random crap appear on the title screen(Pictured at top) and see how things react. There is a bar that limits the amount of things you can make, so you cannot make an infinite amount of money to bribe a cop or some such. I discovered that I can only make 6 gorillas, but I found I could stack them all and ride a gorilla tower.
Anyway, here are some of the things I did...
Problem #1: Help some guy cut down a tree.
1) Go the easy route- Use a chainsaw to cut it down.
2) Less conventional- Burn it down with a campfire.
3) An original idea- Weild a badger like an axe.
Problem #2: Help get a lady's cat off a roof.
1) Lame way- Make a ladder and climb up.
2) Marginally less easy way- Spawn a pterodactyl and fly up to grab the cat.
3) An original way- Blow the house up with C4. No house means no roof, so the cat will then be on the ground and reunited with a questionably happy owner.
Problem #3: Get a soccer ball past a goalie into the goal.
1) Easy way- Run past him with the ball and shoot it in.
2) Less normal way- Drop a virus on his head and when he falls over ill throw the ball in.
3) Awkward way- Shoot the goalie with a bazooka then kick the ball in over his dead body.
4) My favorite way- Create a gold bar and give it to the goalie. Walk away and explain to your new best friend, Mr. Leprechaun, that there is a real greedy douschebag goalie hoarding his(the leprechaun's) gold. When the goalie is being beaten to a pulp by a very angry leprechaun walk the ball into the goal.
Problem #4: Trick or Treat with 3 kids. Either scare them or give them candy to achieve the goal.
1) Easy way- Give them candy or create a ghost to scare kids.
2) Better way- Create the monstrous Shoggoth of the H.P. Lovecraft mythos(both Cthulu and the Necronomicon are there as well). The kids crap their pants and run like hell.
4) Morally ambiguous way- Glue a razor to some candy. The kids recognize it as candy and you still win!
Problem #5: Catch a butterfly.
1) Easy way- Use a net.
2) Better way- Throw a rock at it to knock it out of the air.
3) Best way- Glue an anchor to it so it can't fly off the ground.
4) Ineffective but hilarious way- Drop a meteor on it. Everything dies(including you).
Problem #6: Clean all the garbage out of the park.
1) Easy way- Pick up the trash by hand and throw it in the garbage bin.
2) Fast way- Create a flamethrower and burn the everything in sight to a cinder pile.
3) Fastest way- Set off an atom bomb in the park.
Problem #7: Knock over a pyramid of glass bottles.
1) Lazy way- Throw a baseball at the stack.
2) Why didn't I do this earlier way- Put antimatter above it and the bottles are sucked, presumably, into another dimension.
3) Laugh out loud way- Put a human cannon on the other side of the room and shoot the bottles with a clown.
Another Comic Strip
This is another sketchbook image I made into a comic strip. Originally from 2003. The color and stuff was added last night.
My Personal Favorite Pieces 2
This is my other favorite. I think it was in 2000, and I made it by cutting apart a pair of jeans. I ripped off the bottom edges for the hair, and cut a female silhouette from one of the legs and scanned them in. Then I used Photoshop's dodge and burn tools to get the highlights and shadows.
My Personal Favorite Pieces 1
I made this in 1999 and it remains one of the 2 favorite images I've ever done.
I noticed the image seems very dark in the Google blog, not sure why, it seems to happen a fair amount that pictures come out darker than they are normally. Oh well, I know it prints out fine at least(not this version, my own high res copy).
I noticed the image seems very dark in the Google blog, not sure why, it seems to happen a fair amount that pictures come out darker than they are normally. Oh well, I know it prints out fine at least(not this version, my own high res copy).
Heroes: Ink
All right I'm going to try and shorten these Heroes posts.
In this episode, Claire's new BFF Gretchen learns of the regenerative powers. Mr Bennett bring the girls out for Indian food, and Gretchen in very subtle manner, hints to her interest in Claire's healing ability. Bennett wants to call in the Haitian, who is conveniently on speed-dial. This pisses me off SO MUCH. He could have rendered Sylar easy to defeat. Powerless means killable.
Well, Claire says she can handle the situation and goes to work. Thus her and Gretchen becoming best friends. Claire then gives her an up close look at the power in action.
On to Parkman, who is equating his power as a bad thing. Ah... hello, cliche. I am sick of this idea. It is an immense gift, people can't lie to him. But he is being sort of mentally harassed by the Ghost of Sylar past, who is somehow both in Parkman's head and in his own body(posing as Nathan). Lame.
I believe Parkman has created a sub-persona in the guise of Sylar to teach himself to stop trying to avoid using his power. I think it's like this because- 1. Sylar is posing as Nathan so he shouldn't be fighting with himself over the body. I've mentioned before, he is a healer, he will heal the mind and revert to Sylar anyway. Then there would be 2 Syalr's-one in body and one in Parkman's mind. 2. Sylar "uses" Parkman's abilities against him. So I would believe that Sylar couldn't have latched onto Parkman's gray matter, but is just Parkman working against himself. Maybe it is a telepath's version of a midlife crises.
Aside from those thoughts, I believe Parkman's ridiculous insistence on the avoidance of his ability is itself driving him crazy. Come on Matt, telepathy is like a sense, it would be like a normal person trying to live blindfolded. What an idiot.
He ends up being tricked by "Sylar" to beat up a guy who he is investigating, and uses his ability to cover his tracks by altering his partners memories.
Of course I've said it before, I think that things are becoming very close to the future from "5 Years Gone". Parkman working his way towards becoming a douchebag "Nightmare Man", Sylar becoming himself and CHOOSING to stay Nathan because the power it affords him, etc.
Elsewhere Peter is being sued by Samuel who is trying to expand his family through dubious means. Instead of just telling Peter that he has powers and inviting him to help others with a travelling carnival, he uses his abilities to make an actually empathic do-gooder doubt himself, and look like an ass in the process. For someone that talks about family and all that jazz Samuel seems to be a real A-hole. He then stops by a former place of residence and causes an anomaly to level the place and hurt/kill many people. He appears to have marked Peter with a tattoo compass as well.
Now for a new character that I both like and dislike. A deaf lady named Emma. She can see lights where noise should be. A doctor tells her it might be synesthesia which is an actual problem, not a power (senses being messed up- like smelling color or hearing smells). So she wears headphones so people won't talk to her and pity her because she is deaf. GET OVER IT.
Near the end of the episode she sees wonderful colors coming from a cello. He gets up and steps away for a time. She goes over and plays an amazing number. Would that be a number by color??? The thing that pissed me off is the fact that she is just discovering her ability and she masters it on the first try while f*cking around with an instrument. Every other person had to train to use their powers when it required use(not an automatic power like healing). Isaac was already a painter when he started doing the pictures, so he had built a useful skill before manifesting the power. Remember Peter's first image? It was a stick figure of himself with a stick man Nathan on a roof. Nathan had an accident that made him fly. Even Sylar grew in ability, when he got the telekinesis, he didn't use it perfectly on a cup in front of Chandra Suresh. Other than her magically being a maestro whilst dicking around playing with colorful cello sounds, I think her having an ability like this is very interesting. It is unknowingly affecting others through pure musical beauty, while she herself can see the beauty on a whole other level.
In this episode, Claire's new BFF Gretchen learns of the regenerative powers. Mr Bennett bring the girls out for Indian food, and Gretchen in very subtle manner, hints to her interest in Claire's healing ability. Bennett wants to call in the Haitian, who is conveniently on speed-dial. This pisses me off SO MUCH. He could have rendered Sylar easy to defeat. Powerless means killable.
Well, Claire says she can handle the situation and goes to work. Thus her and Gretchen becoming best friends. Claire then gives her an up close look at the power in action.
On to Parkman, who is equating his power as a bad thing. Ah... hello, cliche. I am sick of this idea. It is an immense gift, people can't lie to him. But he is being sort of mentally harassed by the Ghost of Sylar past, who is somehow both in Parkman's head and in his own body(posing as Nathan). Lame.
I believe Parkman has created a sub-persona in the guise of Sylar to teach himself to stop trying to avoid using his power. I think it's like this because- 1. Sylar is posing as Nathan so he shouldn't be fighting with himself over the body. I've mentioned before, he is a healer, he will heal the mind and revert to Sylar anyway. Then there would be 2 Syalr's-one in body and one in Parkman's mind. 2. Sylar "uses" Parkman's abilities against him. So I would believe that Sylar couldn't have latched onto Parkman's gray matter, but is just Parkman working against himself. Maybe it is a telepath's version of a midlife crises.
Aside from those thoughts, I believe Parkman's ridiculous insistence on the avoidance of his ability is itself driving him crazy. Come on Matt, telepathy is like a sense, it would be like a normal person trying to live blindfolded. What an idiot.
He ends up being tricked by "Sylar" to beat up a guy who he is investigating, and uses his ability to cover his tracks by altering his partners memories.
Of course I've said it before, I think that things are becoming very close to the future from "5 Years Gone". Parkman working his way towards becoming a douchebag "Nightmare Man", Sylar becoming himself and CHOOSING to stay Nathan because the power it affords him, etc.
Elsewhere Peter is being sued by Samuel who is trying to expand his family through dubious means. Instead of just telling Peter that he has powers and inviting him to help others with a travelling carnival, he uses his abilities to make an actually empathic do-gooder doubt himself, and look like an ass in the process. For someone that talks about family and all that jazz Samuel seems to be a real A-hole. He then stops by a former place of residence and causes an anomaly to level the place and hurt/kill many people. He appears to have marked Peter with a tattoo compass as well.
Now for a new character that I both like and dislike. A deaf lady named Emma. She can see lights where noise should be. A doctor tells her it might be synesthesia which is an actual problem, not a power (senses being messed up- like smelling color or hearing smells). So she wears headphones so people won't talk to her and pity her because she is deaf. GET OVER IT.
Near the end of the episode she sees wonderful colors coming from a cello. He gets up and steps away for a time. She goes over and plays an amazing number. Would that be a number by color??? The thing that pissed me off is the fact that she is just discovering her ability and she masters it on the first try while f*cking around with an instrument. Every other person had to train to use their powers when it required use(not an automatic power like healing). Isaac was already a painter when he started doing the pictures, so he had built a useful skill before manifesting the power. Remember Peter's first image? It was a stick figure of himself with a stick man Nathan on a roof. Nathan had an accident that made him fly. Even Sylar grew in ability, when he got the telekinesis, he didn't use it perfectly on a cup in front of Chandra Suresh. Other than her magically being a maestro whilst dicking around playing with colorful cello sounds, I think her having an ability like this is very interesting. It is unknowingly affecting others through pure musical beauty, while she herself can see the beauty on a whole other level.
Illustration Friday: Germs
Here's my first participation in the Illustration Friday site.
Lungs full of germs- Yummy!
I made it with markers, inks, and a few Prismacolor pencils.
Lungs full of germs- Yummy!
I made it with markers, inks, and a few Prismacolor pencils.
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